MOSCOW, September 2, as the world's No. 2 exporter of crude oil production in the Arctic, a new oil field and from the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to seize more market share in Russia in August has created the highest monthly oil production a new record, an average of nearly 10 million barrels of daily output.
According to statistics, Russia in August produced an average 9.97 million barrels of oil more than 9.91 million barrels in July increased by 0.6% and compared with last year's 9.82 million barrels increase of 1.5%. Oil production there last year over the past 10 years, the first decline in Russia in 2009 to restore the oil production, Russia's largest oil company Rosneft's production this month, located in the Arctic region Vanke field.
Russia's No. 2 oil company LUKoil in August produced an average 1.86 million barrels of oil more than in July increased by 0.2%, while Russia's 3rd largest oil company TNK-BP's oil production in August increased by 2.2% compared with ring
Sep. 3, 2009